Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Soccer Mom

I officially became a soccer mom with Ethan. After four weeks of classes, I think he is ready for some more classes. It was hilarous, but maybe we will wait for another year to put him in soccer. Anna on the other hand, is quite ready. She started her classes on Saturday. We are doing indoor soccer for now. (I don't like standing in the rain for three hours, just to watch a bunch of kids miss the ball). Maybe I will be more gutsy in the spring.

For about six weeks now she has wanted to be witch (that is a witch without the green face and warts). I went and purchased the pattern (I already had the fabric) and then on Saturday after her first soccer practice she turns to me and says... "mom, I don't want to be a witch without the green face and warts, I want to be a soccer player." YIPEE! I didn't make the costume yet... this is going to be a whole lot easier. Finally, Anna is a simple kid... yeah, right!

1 comment:

Dave & Katie Butler Family said...

That is so awesome about Anna starting soccer. Tell her the girls really are excited to come up and see her play. Maybe in the spring so we can see Ethan play too.